24 ways to add some adventure to your winter!

sarah gee-0937Winter is the bane of my existence. I know that’s dramatic, but only a little. I try really, really hard to see the beauty – the ice and snow-covered trees – but my bare feet and I truly long for sun and warmth. If you’re anything like me, adding some fun and adventure to your winter can really help you survive til the birds are singing again! So I went beyond the obvious winter outdoor activities, and made a list of my favorite ways to add some fun and adventure to the long, cold winter:

1. Make some post-its and leave them around for others to find (bathroom mirrors, public spaces, between book pages).

winter adventure columbus ohio family photographer

2. Put a birdfeeder right by your window – preferably right by the kitchen sink, as this can make doing the dishes pretty fun (this can be especially entertaining if you have squirrels).

3. Turn up the heat for an hour and walk around barefoot or in your swimsuit, sipping on a frozen cocktail.

4. Warm up a blanket in the dryer for a couple of minutes and wrap up in it to watch a movie (hint: the worst part of this is the heat slowly drifting away – you’ve been warned!)

5. Indoor snowball fight with these (or you can just use balled-up socks).

6. Learn something new. Seriously – there are so many cool classes you can take – so much to learn out there in the big, wide world!!! If you’re here in Columbus, you can try trapeze class, pottery class, even glass-blowing. I have done all three of these, and can tell you they are awesome!

7. Plan your next vacation! Planning a trip for the summer can help you think warm thoughts.

8. Get away for the weekend. Do a priceline name-your-own-price (I have scored great hotels for 30 bucks this way!). Close your eyes, choose a spot on the map, and go there. Out in the middle of nowhere? That’s ok. There’s got to be SOMETHING interesting close by.

9. Check out Weird U.S. (and Weird Ohio) for some wild little day trips or over-nighters. We’ve done quite a few of these, but now I’m interested in the Youngstown Mystery Lights.

10. Go check out an art show. Don’t glaze over this one! As every t-shirt maker and bumper sticker designer knows, “the earth without ‘art’ is just ‘eh.'” I know going to the art museum makes lots of lists like this, but if you haven’t been to the Columbus Art Museum in the past couple of years, you are seriously missing out. Each room has something interactive to make that goes along with the art displayed. Awesome for time with friends, dates, and hanging out with kids. And it’s free on Sundays!!!


11. Pillow. Fight.

12. Frozen bubbles. Freaking cool.

13. Find some new music and DANCE PARTY!!! Seriously. If you’re nervous, close your damn curtains. DANCE. You will end up laughing. And laughing is good in the dead of winter.

14. Winter hike. Wait for a sunny day, with snow on the ground. Bundle up. Pick a short one. Just go do it. And reward yourself with some hot chocolate or coffee during or after (maybe spiked with Bailey’s).

winter adventure columbus ohio family photographer

15.  My favorite winter hikes are down in Hocking Hills.  Holy beautiful – the frozen waterfalls and caves.  Make a weekend of it if you can (think cozy cabins and hot tubs with a snowy view).

winter adventure columbus ohio family photographer

16. Make-your-own pizza party with friends. Invite some pals or neighbors to bring over their favorite pizza toppings, you supply the crusts and red sauce. Make up some categories (most disgusting, most unusual ingredients, most creative presentation), and award prizes after everyone’s tried them all.

17. Reminisce. Get out the old albums, pictures, videos, even slides – and laugh (or let your kids laugh) at your hair from 10 years ago.

18. For some of us, winter is the slow season. If this is true for you, take some time to get together with friends that are hard to get with in the summer.

19. Head outside on a snowy day with a couple of spray bottles filled with colored water (just use food coloring or make your own!). Make a mural in the snow!

20. Do the Mall Dare date night. Seriously, click on that link. Freaking hilarious.

21. Send a letter or a surprise package to someone who could use it. Better yet, send it anonymously.

22. Have dessert BEFORE dinner. Holy smokes, check these out if you need any ideas.

23. Build a snowman in a friend’s yard.

24. Or even better – go at night and build one on their front porch to surprise them when they open the door in the morning.

winter adventure columbus ohio family photographerHow do YOU keep the winter fun and adventurous?  Would love to hear your ideas in the comments below! 🙂

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10 thoughts on “24 ways to add some adventure to your winter!

  1. I always love your winter posts, they definitely make me feel more positive about the cold. I especially enjoyed the birdfeeder tip, I’ll be trying that one 🙂 xx


  2. Ha! Great ideas – I personally love the idea of building a snowman at night and surprising them in the morning with it outside the door! I can see their faces!


  3. Adorable – such sweet ideas! I have a few friends who live in Ohio and have told me how brutal your winters can get! Love the blanket + movie idea – it’s so true, the warmth melting away is the WORST but at least you have body heat then! 😉


    • there are definitely places worse than ohio! but i do sometimes question why we live here (the answer is family). have you seen that cartoon that says, “the air hurts my face. why do i live in a place where the air hurts my face?” that’s how i feel sometimes:) so thankful to have a warm house!


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